Monday 15 August 2011

LONDON's 34th Boro....

A WEEK IN London, AUGUST 2011

Keeping aback from over-reacting to the 2011 British Riots; an action that has stirred up futile party power politics, the long-term lack of communication and advocacy in matters of policing and in developing creative solutions to bureaucratic technicalities and how the absence of any solutions amongst these voted-in authoritarian, academic and global capitalist constituencies has lead to the intangible factor that has cracked a social-politico and ethical crack. The crisis of "looting,' the careless crisis towards Urban youth, the in-balance rearing it's historical head characteristic of colonialist apathy. England's 7th Generation has taken it's aggression out in it's own backyard, it's own front
gardens in it's own "home.' Is this true or just Ultra-Media fodder again. On the initial 'day of wrath' while surfing through our licensed TV programmes I noticed Kubrick's "CLOCKWORK ORANGE" was featured, of all days. The Beeb was image-less-no news footage from it's backyard-lots of heads reciting verbiage and speculating but no real reportage, that took several days and the world has questioned it, at least the social network world, Twitter was enforce, some say it was the cause and modus operandi of this 'controlled looting.' Organised? It's been over a week of fires and displacement and even Kaos. I figured who would be receiving a Pulitzer for being at the right time at the right place and I was correct. Amy Weston's image of a Polish woman jumping to avoid being cindered; back lit by a blazing fire makes for powerful imagery. Of course my interest was more in how Aljazeera and RT TV covered the events as they evolved including the 'accidental' murders and the pillage and carnage that would follow a culture of 'hooliganism and debauchery' right up there with Hollywood's Blockbusters, Notorious video game industry, Banksters, the lack of incentives and the constant pressures of joblessness, complacency, new world dis-order, a little racism thrown in for spice but especially a 'Class of Stats-Relying Clever Social Administrators' who could care less except for their own well-being. It's obvious, History and Mr. Starkey have been in bed together. Who is at fault is so last century. Now this generation that has a minority of looters and disgruntled victimised by the same system that wants rule and order but lives according to it's own agenda and that it's own retribution in the light of obvious abuse of elected power and the people's money can only say "we're sorry, we didn't know?" to all accusations of fowl play. Is that Ethical business, is that an example of good morals and optimism. Is this something to be enthusiastic about, is this fair and justifiable. Obviously not in any which way or matter. Change is the only constant in life and well here it is, maybe it's time to use this Crisis for little maintenance low-cost creative improvements. I mean we're talking 'KIDS here. Maybe they should collectively say "WE'RE SORRY."

1 comment:

Bridginspiration said...

As always written with a shrewd mind, eyeballed observation and curious questioning. Keep the blah blah coming to embellish our senses.....